New Cornell tech to evaluate anemia to be used across India
AnemiaPhone, a technology developed by a multidisciplinary team of Cornell researchers to accurately, quickly and cheaply assess iron deficiency, has been transferred to the Indian Council of Medical Research of the government of India for integration into its programs for anemia, women’s health, and maternal and child health throughout the country…

PORTENT advances promising Point of Care technologies through:
Technology Development | Human Validation | User and Developer Training and Rotations | Commercialization
The Center is enabled by a one-of-a-kind international network of clinical, training, and device development facilities and unique worldwide expertise in Point of Care diagnostics, their application and commercialization. To enable the validation of technologies on a global range of populations and with a unique set of users, the Center has integrated core clinical and validation facilities across four continents:
North America (United States) | Africa (Uganda) | South America (Ecuador) | Asia (India)

The PORTENT Center is unique as it:
Focuses on primary health care globally
Addresses the needs of the most vulnerable in the US and internationally
Enables a broad range of diagnostic technologies to be validated on a global scale
Develops expertise and strengthens capacity worldwide to have the most impact even beyond the center

Accessible, affordable technology to detect anaemia transferred to ICMR
January 15, 2025
AnemiaPhone will enable access to rapid screening and diagnosis of iron deficiency at the point of need, Cornell University… READ MORE

Cornell transfers accessible, affordable anemia detecting tech to Indian Government
January 15, 2025
AnemiaPhone, a technology developed by Cornell University researchers to accurately, quickly and cheaply assess iron deficiency, has been transferred…READ MORE